Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Of Vacant Lots and Rastafarians

We are trying to sell our home. A potential buyer really likes the looks of it, especially the way that our house is secluded in the woods. In researching whether the lots behind us are likely to ever have houses built on them, I discovered that the subdivision on Haile Parkway is called Selassie Villas. Now, I knew the name of the road was Haile Parkway, but there's no sign for Selassie Villas.

The Internet is a wonderful thing. When I searched "selassie" because I was curious, who should pop up but Haile Selassie I, the emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. He is (according to Rastafarians) the Messiah.

So now I'm wondering about the folks who founded Selassie Villas on Haile Parkway.....

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